Tree & Planter Sale
Are you ready to get a jumpstart on the planting season!!!??? Spring is the perfect time for tree planting and we’re offering a few of our favorite container size trees, direct from Wilson’s, our nursery partner located in New Germany. You select and buy online, we’ll deliver, and you plant! It’s as easy as 1…2…3…
New this year, we’re offering a selection of raised planters that are sure to be a great addition to your space whether you are growing vegetables or are looking for a statement piece to showcase your seasonal plantings. Select the “soil add-on” and we’ll drop bags of soil to fill your new planter when we deliver. All you have to do is place your new planter, fill it, and you’ll be ready to go when the temps warm up!
Delivery rates are $50 and limited to a 25 mile radius of Field World Headquarters. Purchase both a tree and planter and we’ll waive the delivery charge!